Wednesday, July 16, 2008

let them (read: me) eat cake

I went to Disneyland with my mom and little sister yesterday and sometime between lunch and dinner they forced me to eat this:

By forced I mean they had to follow me through 4 different lands (Tomorrowland, Fantasyland, Adventureland, and Frontierland) until I finally found this adorable but overpriced squiggly concoction of grease and sugar, two minutes before the restaurant closed, no doubt. Okay, so what? you might ask. It's just funnel cake. Well, I "gave up" dessert last month in an effort to live a healthier lifestyle. I still allow myself to eat frozen yogurt, because a life without frozen yogurt is a life that's not worth living, if you ask me, but I have noticed significant changes in my appearances over the past dessert-free month. I have lost 6 pounds without making any other lifestyle changes and have honestly never felt physically better in my life.

However, the universe is a strange thing, and when one thing in your life is going awesome, it is a known fact that something else in your life has to suffer, which is why I absolutely needed that funnel cake yesterday. It actually ended up not being delicious at all, the strawberry topping was insanely sweet and tasted more like strawberry room spray than a strawberry from the earth. But it seemed like an absolute necessity at the time, and actually did provide me with about 15 seconds of pure joy. Which is a lesson we can all learn from: funnel cake, as tempting and necessary as it may seem, will not solve any of your problems. At least not in any long-term sense.

Similar logic kept me from irrationally chopping off my hair, thank gawd. As I was dialing the number to the salon I realized, sure, it would be a big change and make me feel in control of me during a time in my life where I feel particularly not in control, but then I realized I would wake up the next day and recognize that nothing in my life had really changed. Only now I also hated my short hair cut.


Anonymous said...

poor strawberry. Hope everything is better. And that should teach u not to eat your own kind :) what you were probably tasting was the mass of chemicals in the strawberry topping that you would not have otherwise tasted had you not been used to them. It's amazing how "manufactured" food can taste if you're not eating it all the time.


Frank said...

If I could eat that every day for the rest of my life, I would day a happy (and obese) man. I would also be dead before the age of 40.

Bunny said...

twin - duh, cutting hair off is always the dumbest decision ever

kc - my chinese class is done, so life is looking much brighter

frank - let's just say i love county fair season. also, they're some funnel cake restaurant chain here in LA, talk about BLARGH