Saturday, March 1, 2008

okay, maybe i was serious

Counselor: So, have you been researching jobs that might interest you?

Me: Yes, but the main problem is that with my high grade point average, job experience, leadership activities, and extracurriculars, I feel like employers should be BEGGING me to work for them instead of me having to hunt them down.

Counselor: *blank stare*

Me: I mean, I'm not really serious about that.

Friday, February 29, 2008

spring flowers and poetry

Overnight my campus exploded in blossoms! I saw these pink blossoms right outside of one of my classes and they made me think of an Emily Dickinson poem, #1255.

Longing is like the seed
That wrestles in the Ground
Believing if it intercede
It shall at length be found.

The Hour, and the Clime-
Each Circumstance unknown,
What Constancy must be achieved
Before it see the Sun!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

a writer's meeting for the new season of lost

Writer 1: So, how are we going to explain the polar bears, mysterious cloud of smoke, the island's strange magnetic field, the Others, and the pregnant women always dying story-lines?

Writer 2: "Explain"? What do you mean?

Writer 1: Y'know, flesh out those ideas a little more, give the viewer some answers.

Writer 3: I'm not following.

Writer 1: Well, don't you think we owe the viewer some kind of explanation for all of the crazy things that have happened in the last three seasons?

Writer 2: that necessary?

Writer 1: Hmm, good point. Let's completely pretend none of that ever happened, and take the show in a whole new direction.

Writer 3: Yeah! There should be lots of flash forwards and flash backs, I love those.

Writer 1: Excellent idea! And that way, the viewer will be so confused and disoriented, they won't even know we aren't giving them any answers! Great work, team. Now let's get out there and make some crappy television.

hair dye results

And the winner is.....Keep it blonde! BOOO! You guys are boring! Oh well, I guess it's for the best considering I'll be applying to jobs in the next few weeks and pink might not be the most professional of hair choices. Here are the official results:

Keep it blonde!
11 (52%)
Um, pink, duh.
8 (38%)
Bright red to match your soon-to-be Spring Break sunburn!
1 (4%)
Blue because you're so emo.
1 (4%)
Purple. Why not?
0 (0%)

Thanks everyone for voting! I look forward to doing more polls in the future.

how to shop for a swimsuit

In a week and a half I'll be lounging on the beach in Cabo, and since I haven't purchased a swimsuit since my junior year of high school, I figured it was time to invest in something new. Clearly, swim suit shopping is not my #1 favorite past time, so I tried to think of ways to make it less painful, and maybe even enjoyable. This is what I came up with:

How To Shop for a Swimsuit

1. Don’t eat. I don’t mean don’t ever eat, but make an attempt to not eat immediately before trying on a swim suit. A tummy full of Quizno’s is not going to look sexy in a teeny, weeny bikini, and all that toasted sub goodness will probably have you ready for a nap rather than the fitting room. You can have a celebratory meal after you find a suit!

2. Drink lots of water. You should always be drinking lots of water—those 8 glasses a day do amazing things for your hair, complexion, and bod. The day before you try on swim suits, drink as much water as you can to avoid any water retention. Put some slices of lemon in your water to give it a flavor boost which will encourage you to drink more. Lemon is also a natural diuretic (promotes kidney function and produces more urine, helping to expel wastes from the body) which makes it extra helpful! Caffeine and cranberry juice are also weak natural diuretics, and that cup of coffee will help keep you energetic even after the 20th swim suit you’ve tried.

3. Tan in a can. We were all stupid and sixteen once, so yes, we have all sat under the tortuous rays of a tanning bed to get that “natural” golden glow in preparation for summer. However, times have changed, we’ve grown up, gotten wiser, and never leave the house without a liberal application of SPF 15. There’s no denying the beautifying abilities of a sexy tan, but skin cancer and wrinkles are definitely NOT sexy…luckily we have sunless tanner! I would suggest using the lotion 1 to 2 days before you go shopping because you don’t want to dye any of your potential purchases.

4. Look cute. But you ALWAYS look cute, right? A messy bun and quick application of mascara and gloss are fine for day to day, but if you’re going to be under glaring fluorescent lights and looking in 180 degree mirrors, you should dress to impress! That means do your hair, make-up, etc., to ensure that you’ll be looking as fantastic as possible. Juicy suits are still 100% acceptable, they’re comfy and easy to take on and off as you fitting room hop from store to store.

5. Have a lot of time. Set an entire day aside for finding your bathing suit. Hopefully it won’t take that long, but the only thing worse than not being able to find a swim suit is not being able to find a swim suit and feeling rushed the whole time.

6. Go on a weekday. If at all possible, try to shop during business hours so as to avoid long waits for a fitting room and long lines at customer service. If you have a job that makes that impossible, go on a Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday evening, they’re usually the slowest times for retail. AVOID SHOPPING ON THE WEEKENDS AT ALL COSTS. Waiting 45 minutes for a fitting room is not enjoyable EVER.

7. Bring Mom. Mom is a great shopping companion for many reasons: 1. She probably won’t be looking for clothes for herself so you won’t have to wait for her to do her own shopping. 2. She’s your worst critic and won’t try to make something work when it simply does not (i.e. “It just doesn’t do anything for you” a Mother’s favorite shopping phrase) 3. She can grab more sizes or suits if the store has an article limit for the fitting room 4. She just might pay!

8. Try on everything. Okay, you KNOW if something’s going to be completely hideous on you, but grab those “Maybe this will look cute”s and try them on. Sometimes the best fashion finds are those items you might normally pass over.

9. Walk around. This is so easy to forget. When you try on a suit you look at yourself, maybe turn around and do a quick butt check, but you rarely ever meander around. Taking your suit for a test drive is an absolute must. A lot of swim suits look great if you stand still like a mannequin, but as soon as you move they start falling down or bunching up and who wants to deal with that? Answer: no one.

10. Buy more than one. Even if you only want one suit, try to buy at least two, put them on a few times at home, and then make your decision. Also, try to buy at least one suit with a splash of color. It is easy to fall back on the ever-slimming appearance of black, but you’re going to be chillin’ poolside drinking a margarita, something with a little bit of color is much more tropical and appropriate. Having two suits is beneficial because it gives you some variety during your vacation (or at home), and that way you can bust out the black if you feel the need for a little black magic slim-down after one too many burritos.

After following these ten bathing suit finding guidelines, I purchased two fabulous suits! I got one black (I love authentic burritos. My hips? Not so much.) and one super cute Lucky brand suit that is colorful, vibrant, and perfect for the beach:

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

here's an idea

You should argue with the professor every day in class. Everyone is really interested in your completely uninformed opinion.

my bed-time buddies

For three years I lived in my sorority house which had a sleeping porch on the third floor where all the girls slept. I'm not sure why it's called a sleeping porch because it's just the another floor of the house, but that's not really important. What is important is that having a bed out of sight meant I didn't really care about what kind of bed linens or throws or decorative pillows I had. To be honest, I rarely even MADE my bed, I definitely couldn't be bothered to make it look stylish.

When I was accepted as a resident assistant, suddenly I realized I would have to actually buy cute bedding and make my room look presentable since it would be on display to all my residents. My school's mascot is a tiger so I bought a lot of tiger and animal print items, and over the past two years I've received a few tiger plush toys as gifts. I might be a little too old to have stuffed animals on my bed, but they're adorable and each of them has a cute story. And, of course, they make good cuddle partners.

Sharing a bed with 8 pillows, 5 stuffed animals (one not pictured, he's squished under the other four), and a throw blanket makes for a cozy, if not cramped, sleeping arrangement. Luckily, my bedtime buddies don't mind if I shove them over against the wall, and every morning I get to wake up to them lovingly smiling at me as only stuffed animals can.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

cupcake photoshoot

Some candid cupcake shots.

Baby Froufrou, I love you.

Lookin' good, feelin' gorgeous.

They're healthy because they're made with fruit!

A blur of tastiness.

i drink your milkshake

raspberry coconut cupcakes

I made these adorable raspberry coconut cupcakes for an Oscar party I went to on Sunday. These classy little froufrou cupcakes won Best Dessert of the soiree! I adapted this recipe and my banana caramel cupcake recipe from a great little cookbook Cupcakes by Pamela Clark.

Raspberry Coconut Cupcake aka Froufrou Cupcake

For Cupcakes:
1 stick butter, softened
1 cup sugar
3 eggs
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup self-rising flour
1/2 cup unsweetened shredded coconut (if you can't find UNsweetened, just rinse some sweetened shredded coconut in warm water and let dry at least 12 hours)
1/3 cup sour cream
5 ounces frozen raspberries

Cream Cheese Frosting:
5 tablespoons butter, softened
12 ounces cream cheese, softened
2 teaspoons coconut extract
3 cups powered sugar

1 cup flaked coconut (if you can't find this, do the same as the coconut above), toasted
35-45 fresh raspberries

1. Pre-heat over to 350 degrees. Line a standard muffin tin with paper baking cups.

2. Beat butter, sugar, and eggs in a blender until light and fluffy.

3. Stir in sifted flours, coconut, sour cream, and frozen raspberries. The batter should be a light pink from the broken up raspberries (there should be large chunks of the berries, too). Divide mixture among baking cups and smooth the surface. The batter should fill the cup about three-quarters of the way.

4. Bake for approximately 40 minutes or until golden brown. Turn cakes onto wire rake to cool. Only 11 of my cupcakes made it past this stage thanks to the cupcake monster who lives in my house and eats all my cupcakes before they're even done. Thanks, Dad.

5. Make cream cheese frosting: Beat butter, cream cheese, and coconut extract in a blender until light and fluffy. Gradually beat in sifted powdered sugar.

6. Remove baking cups from cakes, spread cakes with frosting.

7. Decorate the side of the cupcakes with toasted coconut and top with 3-4 raspberries.

These cupcakes smell so delicious baking! And, of course, they taste delicious, too. The coconut cream cheese frosting is to die for, I seriously want to slather it on everything I eat.

I had some extra batter left over after filling the baking cups, so I just made a few extra mini-cupcakes using a mini cupcake pan. My little sister swore these were better than the larger version, but I think by better she just meant "cuter." Everything is cuter mini, right?

Monday, February 25, 2008

here's an idea

Why don't you give me a parking ticket? Because, y'know, I'm sure you have nothing better to do.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

oscar winners!

I love making Oscar predictions. I also love watching the Oscars with my parents and their friends who suddenly become distinguished film critics during the ceremony. My parents actually saw nearly all the nominated films, but if you've only seen ONE of the films nominated for anything (and it was, uh, editing) than you're not really making a "prediction" inasmuch as you're making a "wild guess." Hence why I only predicted the categories I knew about/actually saw the nominated films.

Well, here are my results:

Best Picture
should win: No Country For Old Men
will win: There Will be Blood
I'm really pleased about this, I wanted No Country to win but Daniel Day-Lewis is so amazing I was afraid he'd steal the Best Picture away from the Cohens (by the way, how cute are they?! I want to make movies with MY sister!).

Best Actor in a Leading Role
should win: Daniel Day-Lewis
will win: Daniel Day-Lewis
Not surprised by this, Daniel Day-Lewis is so amazing.

Best Actress in a Leading Role
should win: Cate Blanchett
will win: Cate Blanchett
Definitely deserved, but I was surprised by this choice, as was a clearly shaken up Marion.

Best Actor in a Supporting Role
should win: Javier Bardem
will win: Javier Bardem
Too bad he cut his hair for the award show! He should have totally rocked the bowl cut.

Best Actress in a Supporting Role
should win: Cate Blanchett
will win: Tilda Swinton
John Stewart's joke about Cate Blanchett being a versatile actress was hilarious, I thought her Bob Dylan performance deserved an Oscar, but was expecting Tilda Swinton to win. Side note, can Swinton PLEASE put on some mascara or something? Looking at her hurts my eyes she's so blank and robot looking.

Animated Film
should win: Ratatouille
will win: Ratatouille
If Surf's Up had 70 percent more scenes of the baby penguins, I bet it would have won.

Art Direction
should win: Sweeney Todd the Demon Barber of Fleet Street
will will: There Will be Blood
YAY!!!! Everyone was so naggy and whiny about Sweeney Todd, I mean, it got good enough reviews but critics had a lot of negative things to say about it (the opening sequence, the singing, the "miscasting" of Helena Bonham Carter, etc). I personally LOVED it so I was thrilled it got the much deserved art direction award.

should win: There Will be Blood
will will: There Will be Blood
The movie is gorgeous and the technical techniques are very impressive, I thought it was a shoe-in.

should win: No Country For Old Men
will win: No Country For Old Men
The Cohen brothers could have at least PRETENDED to be surprised.

should win: No Country For Old Men
will win: No Country For Old Men
Well I was WAY off on this one. Action movies are difficult to edit, so I definitely understand why the film received the Oscar.

Music (Score)
should win: 3:10 to Yuma
will win: Atonement
Okay, so honestly, I didn't really think 3:10 to Yuma SHOULD win but that movie was SOOO good and it was completely ignored by the Academy so I had to give it a shout out. My prediction was right with Atonement...I have to say I'm surprised Keira Knightley didn't completely ruin that film.

Writing (Adapted Screenplay)
Who should win: No Country For Old Men
Who will win: No Country For Old Men
Well, duh.

Writing (Original Screenplay)
should win: Juno
will win: Juno
Diablo Cody gives me hope that success in the writing/film industry IS possible without connections in the industry. Although, she WAS a stripper, so she probably "knew" people. Also, I heard that she was supposed to be the person to wear Stewart Weizman's annual $1 million shoes, but her fugly tent dress made it impossible to verify.

oscar predictions

I bought a cute new Oscar outfit, made my froufrou cupcakes (I'll post the recipe later), stocked up on Lillet blanc wine for James Bond-style cocktails, and now for my Academy Award predictions!

Best Picture
should win: No Country For Old Men
will win: There Will be Blood

Best Actor in a Leading Role
should win: Daniel Day-Lewis
will win: Daniel Day-Lewis

Best Actress in a Leading Role
should win: Cate Blanchett
will win: Cate Blanchett

Best Actor in a Supporting Role
should win: Javier Bardem
will win: Javier Bardem

Best Actress in a Supporting Role
should win: Cate Blanchett
will win: Tilda Swinton

Animated Film
should win: Ratatouille
will win: Ratatouille

Art Direction
should win: Sweeney Todd the Demon Barber of Fleet Street
will will: There Will be Blood

should win: There Will be Blood
will will: There Will be Blood

should win: No Country For Old Men
will win: No Country For Old Men

should win: No Country For Old Men
will win: No Country For Old Men

Music (Score)
should win: 3:10 to Yuma
will win: Atonement

Writing (Adapted Screenplay)
Who should win: No Country For Old Men
Who will win: No Country For Old Men

Writing (Original Screenplay)
should win: Juno
will win: Juno