Wednesday, March 25, 2009

wtf wednesday: china is such a cock block

It's official. Access to anything on the internet is pretty touch and go here in China, but The New York Times is reporting, as of today, that Youtube is officially blocked.

WTF?! Now how am I going to watch SNL digital shorts and videos of cute animals falling asleep?!?! This is a crisis, people, a CRISIS.

I should protest, but uh, I'm a little too scared. I kid you not, a white van rolled up right next to me on my way home from the gym and opened the door slowly and my heart felt like it was going to beat straight out of my chest. They didn't kidnap me or even notice me, but hey, it could have been a possibility.


Kel said...

omg that is totally bunk. i love to watch videos of pugs falling asleep... SO CUTE!

ps congrats on winning the cupcake contest! that story is hilarious!

Andy said...

Now how are you going to watch Dane Cook's ont-so-funny videos?

Anonymous said...

You got away this time, but I'll get you next time.

-The man in the white van