Sunday, February 15, 2009

the things people do for attention

Before I left for my South East Asia trip I made a post about the awesome tattoo my dad got with the names of me and my two sisters on it. I can't wait to see it in person, it looks so cool! I also mentioned a lot of the shenanigans my dad has gotten himself into over the years, the most memorable of which being his April Fool's joke of dressing up like a woman.

Well, I don't know how or where, but Twin found a photograph of him from that day and sent it to me. He looks JUST like his mother, only about a foot taller. So creepy.

While I have your attention, readers, I'm curious...why do you read my blog? I know there's a lot more of you out there than comments suggest (thanks Google Analytics), and it makes me wonder what keeps you coming back to read my posts. Do you find me entertaining? Do you hate me? What's the deal? You can comment anonymously if you want.


Anonymous said...

Because you're cool :)

Andy said...

Why? I don't know. I really like your adventures, your writing style, your jokes. I really like reading it.

And as anonymous said, because you're cool.

Frank said...

I enjoy your tales of antics and tomfoolery in way off foreign lands.

And also because you're kind of cute too.

Kate said...

It's because I hate you.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Kate. I hate you.

Psych! I like seeing what you're up to and I like your writing.


Mrs. A said...

I found it because you used to yelp local spots in the Mo. Your stories are hilarious. Perfect for slow days at work!