Friday, November 28, 2008

sometimes surveys are fun

Three names you go by:

(As I so eloquently said to my twin when she used my REAL name on a comment on someone's blog: "it's "strawberry" you dipshit, I use an effing pen name on the internet to keep my precious identity secret. gawd.")

Three things you like about yourself:

My fabulous new Pob (that's the terminology for the Posh bob) hair cut
I'm making a conscious effort to eliminate negativity in my life
I read a lot of books

Three things you dislike/hate about yourself:

Sometimes I'm too nice to people to the point where I feel like I'm being taking advantage of
Sleep is a huge priority in my life
I interrupt people a lot if a conversation is exciting to me, and most are

Three parts of your heritage:

Korean (I WISH!)

Three things that scare you:

Stepping in puddles
Being coughed on

Three of your everyday essentials:


Three things you are wearing right now:

My #1 favorite t-shirt that is nearly a decade old
Red velour zip-up hoodie
Yoga pants

Three of your favourite bands/artists (at the moment):

Dave Matthews
Death Cab for Cutie

Three of your favourite songs at present:

Love Ridden - Fiona Apple
Crooked Teeth - Death Cab for Cutie
Who Will Save Your Soul - Jewel

Three things you want to do in the next 12 months:

See Mount Everest
Live in the Now
Complete my thesis

Three things you want in a relationship (love is a given):

Enjoys cooking
Likes to laugh
Lots of date nights

Two truths and a lie:

I am obsessed with banana chips and pretty much anything banana flavored
I think you're a cool person
I changed my major four times

Three physical things about the opposite sex that appeal to you:

Good teeth
Nice hair

Three things you just can't do:

Watch Saved By the Bell
Understand people who like South Park more than Family Guy
Not laugh when something is funny, trying to stifle it only makes it louder

Three of your favorite hobbies:

The three Bs:
Being the bomb

Three things you want to do really badly right now:

Have my tailor make about a dozen new dresses
Watch Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Talk to my friggin parents

Three careers you're considering:

Writer/glorified housewife
Stay at home mom minus the mom part

Three places you want to go on vacation:

Virgin Islands

Three kids names:

Leonardo DiCaprio, Jr.

Three things you want to do before you die:

Live in France again
Write a book (shocking...a blogger who wants to write a book before they die? Unheard of.)
Feel satisfied


Andy said...

Let me know when you visit Guatemala. I live like a 2-hour drive away. Seriously.

Noelle M said...

Three names you go by:

Three things you like about yourself:

my smile
my skill at leading
im awesome

Three things you dislike/hate about yourself:

my ocd w shit
my addictive personality (re: cannot stop reading a book once opened, etc....also applies to when opening a box of cookies/donuts/goldfish..)
my weird lump on the back of my neck

Three parts of your heritage:


Three things that scare you:

starbucks not being open when i need it
the dark

Three of your everyday essentials:


Three things you are wearing right now:

flip flops
hoodie dress

Three of your favourite bands/artists (at the moment):

whatever pandora tells me to like

Three of your favourite songs at present:

if i were a boy
all i want for chrismas

Three things you want to do in the next 12 months:

buy a condo/house
get a puppy
re-connect with twin

Three things you want in a relationship (love is a given):

1. lots of trips, fun stuff (involving $ and I am not paying)
2. call me when you say you will (also applies to fb wall posts, txt msgs, emails and aims)
3. massages- im talkin bout deep tissue

Two truths and a lie:

I love mushrooms
I ate pigeon and pork belly all in one meal
I want a hidden mickey tat ahaha

Three physical things about the opposite sex that appeal to you:

good teeth/smile
no smellies

Three things you just can't do:

watch i love lucy
not log into fb for over 24hrs
pack well/light

Three of your favorite hobbies:

i use to photograph a lot, maybe ill do that more
right now i watch movies, read, and sleep...and pet kiddens

Three things you want to do really badly right now:

be home already
get a puppy

Three careers you're considering:

getting my MRS degree
being a disney character
becoming the first ever human lolcat

Three places you want to go on vacation:

hong kong (DL)
costa rica

Three kids names:


Three things you want to do before you die:

live/work abroad
open a SUCCESSFUL bakery
hike the PCT

Bunny said...

andy - summer 2009 anyone??

twin - LMAO re: deep tissue massage
p.s. i swear to gawd if you name one of your kids luscious i will disown you as a sister