Sunday, August 24, 2008

plenty of misadventures already

My flight left San Francisco at 6 o'clock this morning which meant I needed to be there at 4 AM which meant I needed to leave my house by 2:30. Well, I personally hate SFO because when compared to other huge international airports, the layout is a total mess. Of course we got semi-lost just trying to find the departure area since there was no "Air Canada" in the international area. And this was before we even got out of the car.

We ended up finding where we thought we were supposed to be, but after 45 minutes of waiting and the clock ticking closer to 5 AM, I called Air Canada customer service and asked what time the check-in area at SFO is supposed to open. Long, boring story short, we were in the wrong area, and had to go to some area of the airport I had no idea even existed and of course the lines were HUGE and my flight was scheduled to leave in under an hour. Keep in mind they close check-in 45 minutes prior to take off.

We start off in one line but then we're told we can't be there so they send us to another line. That line was gigantic so I went and pleaded with some lady who sent us to another line. And this whole time me, Mom, and Dad are lugging my two 50 pound bags around and my carry-on across the airport.

At last, some wonderful little man in a knit sweater checks me in and I think I'm in the clear as I skip off to security...then the security guy tells me my carry-on is too big and I need to empty some of the bulk. Um, that's nice, but at this point it's 5:30, I have NO WHERE to empty "the bulk" AND I still have to go through security. Mom ran off and got this huge plastic bag that they wrap around some strangely shaped luggage (my hiking back pack, for example) and I dump all my school books into it and show Mr. Security High-and-Mighty that my carry-on is smaller and lug the suitcase, my purse, and a giant plastic bag through security.

I made it to the gate right before it closed (think Home Alone frantic running through the airport shenanigans), then proceeded to sleep the entire 2 hour trip to Vancouver. I have an hour and a half before I board my plane to Shanghai. Is it possible to back out at this point?


Andy said...

OMG! I ALSO got lost when we were coming back, because there are no signs of airlines!!! Luckily, my dad is a freak and we got there /after an hour of being lost) at 9 when our flight left at 12. *Sight*

Once, I had to run at the Montreal airport, so I TOTALLY get your "RUNNING for the flight" idea...

LL said...


Noelle M said...

why did i think you were leaving in 3 days?

Frank said...

This is why I drive everywhere. I've had one too many run-ins with airport security and baggage mishandling.

Although I don't know what I'd do if I had to go to China, since I can't drive there. Maybe just strap a bunch of those inflatable life rafts to my van...

Anonymous said...

I've always thought it's a sure sign that you've missed your flight if you have a PICTURE OF IT TAKING OFF.