Friday, August 8, 2008

the luckiest day ever!

At least for the Chinese it is. 8 is the luckiest number in Chinese culture, so it wasn't a coincidence that the Beijing summer Olympics fall on 8/8/2008, that shit was planned out. Also, I heard that Zhang Yimou (one my favorite Chinese directors, I'm using two of his movies for my master's thesis) is "directing" the opening ceremony tonight. I hope everyone plans on watching it! My only regret is I didn't make Olympic themed cupcakes for the event, but media cupcake did so I can just dream that they're mine.


Andy said...

CUTE! I saw the opening this morning though.

Bunny said...

how was it???

Andy said...

It was AMAZING. It was... CHINESE. It was like, PERFECT! Everything was coldly calculated, every single one of the 10,000 people knew exactly what to do, where to run... It was just breath-taking

Frank said...

Am I a bad person for falling asleep during the opening ceremony?

Andy said...

@ Frank : Yes, you are.