Sunday, August 10, 2008

if anyone orders merlot, i'm leaving

I went wine tasting last night. Well, more like wine chugging for me. Ha, I am the worst wine taster ever. The pourers kept trying to explain the wines to me and it was very clear I wasn't even trying to listen to what they had to say "Uh huh, cool, can I get some more of that white wine? Oh you're out of that? Then more of whatever, it doesn't matter. Thanks."

I rarely ever drink, but when I do my motto is always "go big or go home" which I always end up regretting the next day. I woke up this morning at 6 AM, still intoxicated and feeling worse and worse with every minute. FYI, there is nothing on TV at 6 AM. My choices included: a travel show on roller coasters, men's singles tennis at the Olympics, and a history channel show on the different land speed records in the United States...aka the worst things to watch when you're trying to make the room stop spinning.

Currently, I'm feeling incredibly hung over, I'm still wearing my make up from last night, and I'm all sorts of congested for some reason. In other words, I feel, look, and sound like shit. I'm a triple threat today.


Andy said...

Since *I* have been havin HUGE sleeping problems, I was watching the Olympics at about 4. They didn't make me sleepy though.

Mandy said...

Ohhhh, I havent been wine tasting in ages....I think I need to rectify that soon though.

Hope you feel better!

MJenks said...

On nights like that, I would always turn on Cartoon Network and suddenly all the anime made a lot more sense. Plus, it fit in with the spinning room.

Anonymous said...

ooo wine hangovers are the freaking worst! Especially because when I get drunk, I take it to the wall :) and I get the munchies. Hahaha.

Frank said...

I like the wine that is pink and tastes like Kool-Aid. Preferably the stuff in a box.

So@24 said...

We ARE NOT drinking merlot!

Alycia said...

Last year-on your birthday actually!-I drank almost 2 bottles of pinot noir by myself. Well, I wasn't alone when I drank it; I just didn't share the vino with anyone. To this day I cannot drink it. Wah.

Oh! And I have a blog now too!

Anonymous said...

Wine hangovers really are the worst. Ugh.