Thursday, August 28, 2008

it's raining cats and dogs

Or acid from all the air pollution, same difference.

The weather here has been completely crazy. The first day it was super sunny with blue skies (which I had heard were the Chinese equivalent of seeing a unicorn) and then the last few days have been very gray.

Not gray because it's going to rain or anything, just gray because the air is so filled with smog and other pollutants. Minus today, because today it actually IS raining. I'm sort of afraid to go outside in it. The photograph above is from my balcony.

The water here is very dirty, and I'm sure rain water is no different. All tap water has a sort of yellowish tint to it, and it smells very metallic. A mixture of iron or nickel or something, I'm not exactly sure. It's very strange though, because you can smell it in the tea in restaurants and stuff.

Keep in mind, I'm in Shanghai. The largest port city in the world. As far as the environment, sewage, and sanitation, it is important to remember that despite it's ever-growing position of power on a global scale, China is still a developing country. We experienced our industrial revolution 150 years ago, they're experiencing it now. So I'm not exactly shocked by the overall dirtiness here, just, well, unprepared? I'm not sure how else to describe it.


Andy said...

Ewwwww for the water.
But then again, you can't drink water out of the sink in my country, so I should probably not say anything.

And I'm glad you're still not THAT paranoic to wear a mask.

MJenks said...

filter everything through charcoal, and then boil it.

Or just boil it and distill the water for you own uses.

Des said...

That's pretty scary. I'm so used to drinking tap water, I don't even use a filter. The things I take for granted...

Anonymous said...

The pollution may be bad, but at least they don't eat domesticated house pets...

oh wait...

Bunny said...

andy - ya, i don't really even drink tap water at home in california, it's just weird here because IT SMELLS

TIM - we have these cute mini water coolers in our room, and it's been serving me well so far

des - ya, i haven't gotten sick from it yet...*knock on wood*

anon - literal NOM NOM NOM