Monday, June 30, 2008

wanted: prince charming

Twin isn't getting married anytime soon, but I found her the perfect cake today from the fabulous bakery Pink Cake Box. Sadly, they're all the way in New Jersey, but since Twin is single, I think we have some time to find a local bakery that would be able to make something similar in time for the (eventual) wedding.

Oh, and for her bridal shower? A glass slipper cake, of course!

My favorite cake was an adorable cat and pizza novelty cake:

Substitute the cats with Pomeranians, and you're speaking my language. I think this cake would make a super cute birthday cake for someone that loves their pets and pizza...just like me! This, uh, was a cake made FOR the pets, though. In the product description from Pink Cake Box, the baker writes, "A couple recently approached us and asked if we could make a cake for their cats. They were planning to have a pizza party celebrating their cats birthday and wanted a cake to match the theme." I swear to G, if I ever even pretend to want to spend 300 dollars on a cake for Tater Tot, someone punch me in the face. That is straight up not normal. I don't care how much you consider your animals to be "a part of your family," there is no way they need a cake that costs several hundred dollars that they can't even eat.


Anonymous said...

oooooo, yeah i would straight punch you, lol.


Andy said...

Hahahaha... Haven't you thought of yours and Rod's wedding cake?? Cause that may be interesting! If you would like Rod to not comment on your blog you should TOTALLY start writing about invitations, and guest lists, and cakes, and dresses... It'd scare him off!

Kate said...

First thing is....who has a pizza party for their cats? Do cats even like pizza?

Bunny said...

kc - GOOD! i would deserve it.

andy - i've thought about doing that...hahaha. and what girl DOESN'T already have her wedding planned out?

kate - ya, like, NEWSFLASH, your cats do not give a shit.
i could see twin doing this tho, can't you?

Anonymous said...

kc-Try a roundhouse to the face. It usually works for me

andy-In 15 years weddings won't even exist, so it won't matter. P.S.--nothing scares 'ROD' but the terrible nickname does a good job of making him angry if that's any consolation

kate-the same idiots that put clothes on their pets and celebrate their pets' birthdays... or even plan a fake wedding for their dogs.


That's all!

Noelle M said...

thank you for not saying "/if"

also, i would not spend that much $ on a cake for them, outfits they would refuse to wear-yes. cake-no.

Anonymous said...

Ummm well the We network has totally gone too far...they have started a new program called "Puppy Weddings." As if Bridezillas, Whose Wedding is It Anyways, Platinum Weddings and My Big Fat Fabulous Wedding didn't fill up the wedding themed genre enough they had to add this gem...Who am I kidding, I'm totally going to watch...I just pray they don't have any good ideas that I might want to copy and then have someone recognize it from the show...