Sunday, June 8, 2008

back to the future

Okay, I am FINALLY back from Mexico and have fixed my internet connection after six long, boring days. Lots has happened in the nearly three weeks since I last posted, but I'm going to try to take it all in stride and not overwhelm you (or me) with 29 new posts at once.

Perhaps the most exciting thing that happened during my blog absence (save my awesome new domain name which I LOVE) is I finally received my internship placement for my year in China and I will be living in Shanghai!!! All of my Chinese friends told me to try my best to get a job in Shanghai because it is such an amazing city. According to people who have been there it's like walking into the future. I mean, look at the place!

Totally makes you think of Bladerunner, right? Just looking at pictures of the city makes me anxious. I know I'm going to have an amazing time, but I also know that it is going to be a huge transition, especially considering the 15 million people that live there. Woah. Luckily, I already "met" a girl who will be going to school with me in Southern California through Facebook and she is also going to be teaching at the same high school with me in Shanghai. AND she drives a Jeep Wrangler. We're totally going to be best friends, just watch.

Everyone keeps asking me if I'm excited about going but it still doesn't feel real yet. Honestly, I don't think it will fully sink in until I board the plane for my flight over there at the end of August. Well, maybe when I start to pack it will hit me, but for now it doesn't even seem like my life is going to change at all. I know that it will though.

Another question that people inevitably ask is: Wow, 10 months? What are you and Rod going to do? I don't know if it was denial or what, but neither of us ever considered the fact that we might have to actually do something with me being on the other side of the world until we were asked the question 40 different times. The short answer is we're not going to officially "do" anything. We're going to keep things how they are right now and see how it works out with me being 100 million miles away (seriously, that's how far it is). We're not stupid, we both know that it is going to be very difficult, but we're also optimistic that we will be able to maintain a happy and healthy relationship despite the extreme distance. I'm hoping a webcam will be a good investment in this uber-long distance relationship experiment. Perhaps seeing each other in real time will make the distance seem less extreme. And hopefully he will come visit me.


Noelle M said...

WEBCAM!!?!?!?! ewwwww

poison ivy said...

I'm glad you were placed in Shanghai! I'm sad though that you have not told me yourself. :/
Welcome to the webcam whore club, I'll be your host, T-LVeezy.

Anonymous said...

Rod seems like a great guy, but I'm pretty sure there isn't a chance in hell he'll come visit you in China.

Just a hunch...

Bunny said...

Twin - not to be nasty, you freak, just to be like "oh hay this is what i look like don't forget"

T - WTF B, where have you been you're never online!

Anon - hm, well perhaps Rod will be getting the boot after all.

Bunny said...

T - oh, and what website/program do you use to host your webcam stuff? i want to be able to talk to people live, not just record stuff.

Andy said...

WOW! You're back! We've been missing you. It's been quite a while girl! I just REALLY hope that while you're in China, you won't take a break from writing here. Cause that would totally suck.

Bunny said...

andy - AHH, it's been way too long. i have so much catching up to do with all of the blogs that i read! i will definitely never take a break that long from blogging again, now i have so much to say i don't even know where to begin saying it!