Tuesday, May 13, 2008

one ugly black mumu and one super cute dog

As I mentioned before, I have mad Photoshop skillz as evidenced in the above photograph featuring the insanely difficult (aka extremely easy) sunburst effect. Originally I had wanted a former Delta Gamma sister who is an amazing photographer to take some professional photographs of me in my cap and gown, but she lives out of state and my days leading up to graduation are completely packed. So, I had to settle for my mom's crappy camera in my front yard. The only redeeming part of this picture is Tater Tot and the fact that his fur completely matches my hair. How did my mom get him to look so perky and alert, you ask? She had a squeaky toy on her head. Ha, she is totally Tater's bitch.

Also, the poll results for my graduation cap design are in and the "Au Revoir" with an Eiffel tower option was the resounding winner. However, Twin's comment to make a LOLcat "KTHXBYE!" version of Tater Tot inspired me and I just had to do it. I must say, it is the cutest graduation cap in the history of cute graduation caps. I can't wait to wear it. LOLZ. The fact that I didn't follow the results of the poll (which, I might remind you, I was using merely for suggestions, I never promised I would follow through with anything) is only going to feed Rod's misguided belief that I'm a total flake. I'm actually a very reliable person. Sometimes.

*EDIT* I had to delete that picture of me and Tater Tot...I haven't posted in a while so it popped up every time I opened my site and I got sick of looking at it. It wasn't cute, anyway, so no harm, no foul.


Andy said...

1. The picture's cute!! Tater Tot looks sooo puffy!

Anonymous said...

You're about as reliable as a Ford.

poison ivy said...

Take a pic, I wanna see it.


Anonymous said...

Omg, your hair is soooooo long! I love it. You look beautiful! I'm so happy for you and graduating! I love these !!!!!!!

Bunny said...

andy - he just got groomed! Rod LOVED taking him to the groomers because Tater Tot hates it and gets scared, and Rod enjoyed that since Tater Tot is his #1 competition for my affection.

T - you have to wait until graduation!

alycia - thanks! i'm so you won't be there sunday :(