Wednesday, April 9, 2008

things i miss about high school: #1

The #1 thing I miss most about high school is...(drum roll, please)

Napping during class. Okay, to be fair, I think almost EVERYONE has napped during class. However, I'm not talking about that normal dozing off during a lecture kind of napping (which I actually have never done), I'm talking about full on whipping out a yoga mat, sleeping bag, and pillow and napping in class. In fairness, this "class" was a TA class so I wasn't missing any kind of important information. I guess when I think about it I probably should have been grading papers or something, but my sleeping bag always seemed more inviting than doing any kind of real work. More than once the students in the class (standard level English class of freshmen) would whine about how they had to do work while I got to sleep. The instructor used it as motivation: "Well, if you do really good in school and get As you'll be able to be a TA and take naps during class, too."


poison ivy said...

you're weird, i miss absolutely nothing about high school

Anonymous said...

Just another reason why I'm sending my kids to private school...

Bunny said...

T - if you think really hard i'm sure you'll remember SOMETHING you missed from high school

A - yeah right, you're too cheap to send your kids to private school

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahaha. I totally remember your sleeping bag. So awesome!

Anonymous said...

omg I used to do the same thing when I TA'ed for English

Andy said...

Ok, I nap during classes but not in THAT way... I just squish my head into a sweater and sleep...