Monday, April 21, 2008

the solution to any crisis

I still don't know what motivated me to break down into tears yesterday/be on the brink of tears for the last week. However, I have found a solution! Chocolate covered strawberries. It's that easy. Eat two or three (or twelve) and all your problems instantly fade away. Who knew it was that simple? Screw therapy!

I went to my Grammy's house yesterday and she was raving about some chocolate covered strawberries my cousin recently made for a birthday party, so of course I called my cousin immediately and got the recipe. In my opinion, it is nearly impossible to screw up chocolate and strawberries, but there are definite degrees of tastiness and these seriously are some of the BEST chocolate covered strawberries your mouth will ever have the privilege to taste. Most important to successful dipping is to get ripe and flavorful strawberries, but a close second is the type of chocolate you use. Ever seen those containers of "dipping chocolate" in the grocery store? Yeah, avoid those. I have never had luck with those things. Instead, and this is very important, use Guittard brand milk chocolate. Not every store carries this brand, but trust me, it's worth a bit of a search. Per bag of Guittard milk chocolate use one tablespoon of shortening (Crisco). Melt in a glass bowl in the microwave, stirring in 30 second intervals. One bag will yield enough chocolate for at least 40 medium-small strawberries. Yum!


Alexandra said...

I've been using cupcakes to stave off the tears all week... this is better. At least there is some nutritional value, right?

Anonymous said...

Oh, I LOVE chocolate covered strawberries!

Rachel said...

Those look incredible and wonderful.

Anonymous said...

God your cousin must be some kind of genius...well at least in the chocolate covered strawberry department...and what do you want to bet she totally bought her first bag of guittard chocolate because the bag was prettier than the nestle one, haha! If she would listen to your Uncle Jimmy and not buy things that are more expensive just because the package is prettier, we would not know the true bliss that is high quality chocolate!

Anonymous said...

How about BBQ sauce-covered strawberries?

That's the MEN'S version of the recipe...

The rest of you are wimps!

Bunny said...

swearonchanel - exactly...i sort of forgot that i swore off desserts a few weeks ago, oops!

princessb - i totally forgot how delicious they are until i made these!

rachel - they were!

anon # 1 - LOL, i love that that story is 100% true.

anon # 2 - how about chipotle burrito covered strawberries? i think you would like those more