Sunday, March 16, 2008

stupidest fashion idea ever

Twin, the ultimate on-line shopper, shared this link with me today for a "Paint-Your-Own-Baguette" Fendi purse, aka the worst way to spend 1,300 dollars in the history of spending 1,300 dollars.

I honestly cannot even imagine the meeting where this crack-pot idea was conceived. Color your own purse with markers? Um, no thanks. I'm not in kindergarten and I also do not feel like spending over a grand to ruin a purse. I can't imagine that those markers are very permanent, either. I love that eluxury makes sure to stipulate that it is "only returnable in original condition." In other words, "we don't want your ugly purse back once you draw all over it and realize you hate it." Who in their right mind would approve this concept? It's definitely not fierce.


Chelsea Talks Smack said...

Oh you're right, thats awful

Anonymous said...

You guys will all be changing your minds in a few months when you see all the hippest celebs carrying these around. Just watch...

Fendi Sales CEO
Mr. Fendi

Bunny said...

I know, Chelsea! I can't believe it's for real.