Monday, December 7, 2009

for all the kind-hearted pet lovers out there

I have some terrible, terrible news. I actually don't even think I ever had the opportunity to introduce Bear Claw to you all. Bear Claw was born almost four months ago, he was the son of my Pomeranian Tater Tot and Mia, a Pomchi mix owned by a wonderful woman who happened to approach Twin about breeding the two when she was out for a walk with Tater.

Twin was there from the day Bear Claw was born, true she did not physically give birth to him, but for all intents and purposes Bear Claw was her child. She loved him just as much as any mother loves their child, perhaps even more. He was a truly wonderful puppy. He was so full of life and energy that people would literally swarm over to see him when Twin brought him out in public for a walk or a trip to the store.

Tragically, Bear Claw was taken away from her and the rest of my family far too soon. In a dreadful accident, Bear Claw drowned in the pool at my parent's house. I should have been watching him the entire time he was outside but I let him play with the other dogs and checked on him every couple of minutes. I didn't even think the pool was a danger because he never went near it when I was watching him. Anyway, I found him in the pool and jumped in and preformed CPR (they call it "mouth to snout" with dogs). My parents rushed home and my mom continued CPR on the way to the emergency veterinary clinic but he was announced dead on arrival.

Obviously, this is an incredibly sad time for my family, but especially for Twin. For the pet owners/animal lovers out there, I'm sure you know how difficult it is when a pet passes away and this passing is especially difficult because we were given such a short time with Bear Claw. I hope that you all will keep Twin in your thoughts and prayers over the holidays because I know it will be especially difficult without Bear Claw on Christmas, New Year's, and our birthday on the 2nd of January.

My family is completely heartbroken over such a tragic loss of an amazing animal, pet, and friend. Because Bear Claw was like a son to her, Twin plans to have a small memorial service and wants to purchase a small casket as a way of honoring his short time here on earth. He will be buried on my Grammy's ranch. To some, that might seem like an extravagance, but I think it's a beautiful way to honor his memory and I think it will help us all through the grieving process.

If you would like to donate a small amount (.50, $1) to help defer the costs for my sister it would be incredibly appreciated and kind. I've set up a Bear Claw Memorial Fund on Pay Pal and will be accepting donations all week long (and will be mentioning them in each of my posts this week, which will include some of my favorite Bear Claw memories). Of course, any form of support would be amazing, even if it is simply in the form of a kind thought or prayer sent our way.

I hope none of my readers take this as being greedy. I don't expect donations from anyone, I just wanted people to know that if they could spare even a small amount of change to go towards The Bear Claw Memorial Fund it would mean the world to my sister and to me. Thank you all in advance.


Anonymous said...

Hi Nicolle,

It's Rosalia. I just wanted to say how sorry I am about what happened to Bear and that I completely understand how much someone can love their pet. I'm a huge animal lover and I love mine just as much. I could really see how much you both loved him, especially Noelle. I don't think I saw a post without his name in it since he was born. I'll keep you all in my prayers. <3

Anonymous said...


I am so sorry to hear this sad news. I was thrown off by the post that said "If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever. ♥ you always Little Bear" I was in shock! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I talked about Bear to everyone and showed off his picture like he was mine or something :)I can't tell you enough how sorry I am and hope god will help you take your time and grieve. Take care redhead!

Matt said...

I am saddened to hear about your tiny friend's passing. Please send my condolences to Noelle, too. I do not have a paypal account but would be happy to make a donation to the cause. Send me an e-mail with your address.