Thursday, May 14, 2009


  • The perfect outfit: a wrap dress in any color with coordinating pumps, a cute purse, and vintage Ray Ban Wayfarers.
  • The perfect meal: breakfast: 1/2 cup oatmeal and 2 tablespoons peanut butter (seriously, I could eat this for every meal I am obsessed). lunch: veggie wrap on a whole wheat torilla with lots of hummus and a big side salad with veggies and apples. dinner: whole wheat pizza, lots of sauce, no cheese, pineapple, and tons of veggies. dessert: either vegan banana cream pie OR homemade dark chocolate peanut butter cups with vanilla soy "ice cream".
  • The perfect hangover cure: this does not exist. I once had a hangover for two days.
  • The perfect road trip: one that takes place in a big car with plenty of leg room. A couple close, super fun friends, lots of snackies from Trader Joe's, an assortment of Boner Jams CD mixes, and a cool destination that preferably includes hiking or camping.
  • The perfect facial feature: teeth. Straight, white teeth are so sexy to me.
  • The perfect drink: any flavor of Yogi tea. I love their little affirmations on the tea tags!
  • The perfect song: Steady as We Go by The Dave Matthews Band or Toxic by Britney Spears...LOVE that song!
  • The perfect sign of affection: opening up the car door for me/doors of restaurants etc. and giving me their coat/sweater when I'm cold.
  • The perfect afternoon: laying on the couch with Tater Tot watching Sponge Bob, aka how I spent every Sunday of my last year in undergrad.
  • The perfect vacation: a place where I can relax as much as I want and feel no pressure to do anything, but if I want to do something there's lots of options. In my experience, Cabo San Lucas and Thailand are the perfect vacation destinations.
  • The perfect invention: the kindle. Being able to download English books in 3 seconds from the other side of the world has been so incredibly wonderful.
  • The perfect album: every Dave Matthew's album. Yes, even I Did It despite all of its bad reviews, it was perfect. Like everything else associated with Dave.
  • The perfect accent: vallery girl from Cali, duh.
  • The perfect date: dinner and a movie, classic date that you really can't go wrong with.
  • The perfect weather: sunny with blue skies, a bit of a breeze, not too hot. The type of weather where you can wear a sundress with a light cardigan and feel perfect.
  • The perfect party: a tea party with your favorite girlfriends all dressed up, lots of delicious afternoon tea delights, gossiping, and maybe even some croquet.
  • The perfect sport: walking on the bike trail with the Tot. XOXO boo, miss you!
  • The perfect thing to say: "Did you lose weight?"
  • The perfect day of the week: Sunday, it's the one day of the week I can be completely lazy and not feel bad about it at all.


alycia said...

Ok, so, I like most of your answers except for the last one. Sundays are the worst day of the week. The worst part of them is dusk. Remember as a kid how sucky they were? Like you're playing with your friends and then your mom calls you in to finish your homework or a book report and then a few hours later it's bedtime and your next days of freedom are so far away. Ben and I even use the phrase "That feels so Sunday" for things/events that are so depressing or gross.

Sorry, I guess I am really passionate about my dislike of Sundays.

Anonymous said...

I love the "feel" of a book so much, and the smell, handling it, exploring, so I wasn't too keen on Kindle, but I didn't think about the luxury of downloading English-language books while abroad.

And that is the perfect thing to say. Oh, vanity. ~Mary

Andy said...

Hm... This is close to the perfect survey, too.