Saturday, February 28, 2009

walking around the city

When the weather is nice I love to walk around Shanghai listening to my "Sleepytime" iPod mix. It's such a great juxtaposition, hearing the soothing voice of Jack Johnson sing softly about banana pancakes while dozens of taxis are honking their horns, weaving around pedestrians and bike riders and running red lights. It makes it feel like a dream when I'm strolling around with the words of Death Cab for Cutie buzzing in my ears, seeing people spit on the street and pick their noses, watching street vendors sell warm sweet potatoes steaming in the winter air. Days like this I love Shanghai.

I went by my usual massage parlor, which was closed for renovations, but luckily they opened up a brand new shop right across the street with all the same employees (I love my #31). My girl was busy for the next 1 1/2 hours so I made an appointment for tomorrow afternoon, they had me write my name and number in the appointment book, so I used to opportunity to write my Chinese name since I rarely ever get to use it. It was wonderful. All the employees began to giggle. Meow Meow? Hehe, ohhhh that is such a beautiful name! Very beautiful Chinese name! Yes.

Of course, that don't really think it's a beautiful Chinese name. They think it's a silly Chinese name and they think I'm a silly American. But that's okay, because I am a silly American. And I friggin' love my Chinese name.


Noelle M said...

i tried to post a comment! it isnt workingh!!!#lbwejktrnklser

Noelle M said...

ok now it is. alright so your last paragraph is srsly effing hilarious

also i find it weird that your name is meow meow yet you hate my kiddens...

Andy said...

Oh, well. They truly don't appreciate the beauty of your name. meow Meow is a great name. They're just jealous.