Tuesday, January 13, 2009

arrrr arrrr arrrr!

My totem animal is a walrus. I took an East Asian religions course for about 1 and 1/2 weeks before I dropped it, but in that time we learned about Shamanistic power animals and how to figure out what yours is (it involves some mediation and a lot of just making crap up).

For various reasons, I was able to determine that my power animal is a walrus. I even have a stuffed animal walrus (I got it as a gift last Christmas) named Wall*E who I sleep with every night. I also really enjoy screaming "arrr arrr arrr!" and clapping my hands together like fins.

So imagine my surprise and pure unadultered happiness when I stumbled upon these glorious creations from Blempgorf:

I've been sticking to my No-Dessert-09 rule, but if these cute little guys were in front of me I might just cave. Well, probably not, but I'd really really want to cave and then I would take a bunch of pictures with the cupcakes in all kinds of cute poses.

Check out Blempgorf's blog where she describes how to make these majestic culinary creatures!


Noelle M said...

esp @ your made up power animal
mine's a deer BITCH like effing BAMBI

Andy said...

I also really enjoy screaming "arrr arrr arrr!" and clapping my hands together like fins.

I'm laughing VERY hard at this mental image.

Anonymous said...

at least now you have a theme song. "I am the walrus. koo-koo-ka-choo!"