Tuesday, April 1, 2008

things i miss about high school: #4

The #4 thing I miss most about high school is...

Bringing Tater Tot to class. I have no idea how I continually got away with this; I'm sure it was a combination of my personal relationships with all of my teachers and Tater's absolutely adorable demeanor. Right after we got him I brought Tater to the yearbook sale during orientation. He was a total hit, obviously. At that point he was still super teeny (1 pound) and I remember him napping almost the whole time. Aww, dogs ARE just like their owners. I tried to get them to let me take my ID card picture with him, but they were total Tater Haters and I was DEEEEnied. And no, I did not take my dog to the prom. I just posed with him before the prom. I took my best friend's little brother to the prom. Duh.

Pomeranians are the most adorable puppies you will ever see. If you can believe it, Tater Tot was even CUTER than these two puppies which I will call "Exhibit A and B":


Anonymous said...

Cute hamster. What's its name?

Anonymous said...

ginger twin

Bunny said...

my hair is actually very blond in that picture