Thursday, March 27, 2008

things i miss about high school: #8

The #8 thing I miss most about high school is...

Golf. I'm not sure how I even got interested in the sport, but joining the women's golf team was one of the best (and most fun!) decisions I made during high school. Luckily, our team was blessed with a laid-back fun-loving coach ("You can call me anything you want, just don't call me late for dinner") who truly valued the joy of the game over winning. That's not to say that he didn't push us to succeed--my skills surely improved over the course of the season--but he made sure that we didn't get so wrapped up in being the best that we didn't have fun.

Three of my best friends in high school were on the team and I have so many great memories of us goofing off during practice, teasing each other about guys, and eating victory French fries covered with salt and ketchup in the club house (even if we lost).

On one particularly memorable golf trip, we traveled to a difficult course probably about an hour or so away from school. Time is kind of fuzzy at this point, but I remember it being a semi-substantial car ride, no matter the specific length. Well, before any golf tournament a team needs its nourishment, right? Right. So we stopped by the supermarket and bought the biggest. package. of. cookie. dough. EVER. And the six of us proceeded to eat it during the car ride to the course. It was a sunny almost-summer day, and six hours later when the tournament was over, we crowded back into the van and were thrilled to see our giant cookie dough waiting for us. After six hours. In a blazing hot vehicle. Needless to say, the whole team had food poisoning the next day, but let me tell you, cookie dough never tasted so good.


Anonymous said...

That's so bad for you... to eat so much cookie dough in one day...

But it sure is delicious.

Bunny said...

i heard cookie dough tastes a lot better if it doesn't belong to you but you still eat all of it

LL said...

oh my GOD!!!

don't you remember when we turned all the headlights on and the windshield wipers and everything and mr. abby got in and FLIPPED OUT?!