Friday, March 28, 2008

things i miss about high school: #7

The #7 thing I miss most about high school is...

Skipping French class. Admittedly, this was not the most honorable thing I did in high school, but hey, when you're 17 you don't really care about "honor". Most of what I cared about in high school revolved around sleeping (just wait for #1 on this list). I took French all four years, and even though it was always my least favorite class (because it was boring) I didn't actively start missing it until senior year, because by that point I had a major case of Senioritis.

Skipping French was fantastique pour beaucoup de raisons. First, it was 6th period so by not going I was able to go home and nap. Second, I somehow managed to have less "official absenses" than my twin sister even though she went WAY more than me (I skipped at least once a least). Third, I got an A. Fourth, and most ironically, I now can speak French better than twin or K, who both cared (or at least pretended to care) about French class far more than I ever did.

Toothpaste For Dinner


Anonymous said...

The only French I know is french-kissing...


Bunny said...

oh, so you're bad at all kinds of french, then?

Noelle M said...

wow, reading this totally brought forth the repressed memories i have of these weird as nightmares of mine: missing french class and being totally behind (takes place in college though...)

also, uhm considering i had like 5 absences and you had like 4...and should have had 35.....i would say the difference is a bit more than you insinuated