Monday, January 28, 2008

three sentences

All my blog searching has led me to some pretty cool blogs that I've enjoyed reading the past few days. One in particular I really enjoy. It's written by a senior in college somewhere in Pennsylvania. She experiments a lot with the format for her entries, and made a really cool post describing a series of different relationships in three sentences. I really enjoyed reading it, and it was also fun writing my own version:

When we hung out at your house and you fell asleep I was always afraid to wake you when I wanted to leave. One night it was so late that I decided it would be a bad idea to walk out the front door, so I climbed out your window and over your fence to get to my car. I ruined my favorite track pants doing that.

Even though you told me once you hated Dave Matthews, you jumped at my offer of a free concert ticket. After the concert we drove to San Francisco and walked along the beach at midnight. Maybe with someone else it would have been romantic.

I about died when you asked to borrow my pen. I called my mom immediately after class to tell her about it. I’m glad you gave it back, a memento of sorts.

Nothing was ever your fault. But I guess that is kind of true. A lot of it was mine.

It was very strange seeing you again after all those years. I was relieved it was at a party and not somewhere random. If it had been random, I probably wouldn’t have looked so good.

You gave me the first real Valentine’s Day gift I ever received. The flowers and chocolates made me more timid, but by the time I got over it you liked someone else. I cried when I heard that your brother passed away.

You were more impressive to yourself than you were to anyone else. I don’t know what I was thinking. Didn’t you wonder why you never met any of my friends?

I was sure we would never be more than friends. I’m glad I asked you to that movie. It’s one of the reasons I wrote a paper on it.

I bought concert tickets to a band I didn’t even like just to impress you. I ended up not going, but it was the most cleansing way to waste fifty bucks. I just wish I could remember the band’s name that made me realize you weren’t the one.

You loved calling me late at night and I loved answering and being rude. Strangely, this made you like me more. When I actually was nice to you, you weren’t interested.


Noelle M said...


Rachel said...

Wow, yours are fantastic!

"Even though you told me once you hated Dave Matthews, you jumped at my offer of a free concert ticket. After the concert we drove to San Francisco and walked along the beach at midnight. Maybe with someone else it would have been romantic."

I love that one.

Bunny said...

thanks rachel! i guess i can't just creep about you page anymore, i've been found out!

Anonymous said...

I've had one of these before:

"You said you wanted to be the one tied up this time. But I like to wear the gag too sometimes. Maybe with someone else it would have been romantic."

Anonymous said...

snaps are the new pink.
so true

Anonymous said...

i'm very impressed, red.

Anonymous said...

Taryn, I think you just told the whole world.